Education and Resistances that Echo from of the Amazon: an interview with Professor Miguel Arroyo
Amazon, Ethnodiversity, Education, Resistence.Abstract
This interview with Professor Miguel G. Arroyo was carried out on the left side shores of the Xingu River, in Altamira (PA), in July (2th) 2019. The interview occurred during his participation in the 1st Academic Ethnodiversity Conference (JAETNO) at Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Brazil. Arroyo was impressed with the city of Altamira and spoke strictly about the national context we are experiencing at the moment: From the perspective of concrete historical factors, attacks on human sciences, and education, specifically attacks towards childhood. Uneasy about the issues and their interactions with different areas of knowledge, Arroyo led us to reflect on the role of the resistance of educators in Brazil, especially in the Amazon region.
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MARCHESI, Reinaldo de Souza. Roda de conversa dos cursos de Educação do Campo e Etnodesenvolvimento - UFPA. 2019. 2 fotografia.
MARCHESI, Reinaldo de Souza. Miguel Arroyo à margem esquerda do rio Xingu, Altamira (PA). 2019. 3 fotografia.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-08-21
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2020-11-04