Student’s mathematical strategies with Down syndrome in face of Additive Conceptual Field situations
Additive Conceptual Field, Down Syndrome, Multi-sensory Material.Abstract
This article presents an investigation in which we sought to analyze the mathematical strategies used by students with Down Syndrome (DO) in face of additive conceptual field situations, based on Gérard Vergnaud's theory, and presented with multi-sensorial materials. The situations were developed with five DO students from four different schools (one Special and the others, regular schools) as well as from different grades: three from Elementary School; one from School, and one from High School. The work was organized in stages: the first five stages were aimed at identifying the knowledge that the students had related to Arithmetic; and stage 6 presented situations that had different typologies. The materials for this proposal were developed considering a multi-sensorial perspective. Each participant developed the activities individually and in isolation, on different days and places. The application of the activities was recorded on video with subsequent analysis of the research participants’ actions. Among the results, the importance of the multi-sensorial materials in the Mathematics teaching and learning process for all students is highlighted, with emphasis on those with DO, showing that it is possible for them to solve situations in the additive conceptual field, provided they are adapted to their specificities.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-08-25
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-02-28