Reflections on roles assumed in an environment of production of knowledge made possible by dialogical relations
Knowledge construction, Dialogue, Classroom culture.Abstract
In this article we discuss, in the light of the Bakhtinian and Freirean perspectives, the construction of an environment of knowledge production based on the dialogue provided by teaching relationships established in a Geometry class. The focus will be given to the convergence of the dialogical questions that we find in the works of both authors and the way in which they can permeate teaching situations so as to favor access to scientific knowledge. We have as objectives: to analyze the interaction of the subjects involved in a situation where geometric concepts are discussed; to analyze the different roles of these subjects in the context of social interaction in the classroom; to seek a characterization of a classroom culture that prioritizes dialogic relations. To this end, we selected an episode (an excerpt from a moment of interaction, established from a teaching situation, with a beginning, middle and end) in which concepts were under discussion in a third-grade class of Elementary School. At the end of our study, we sought to demonstrate how the dialogue between Bakhtin and Freire, proposed by us, brings together the meanings attributed to the teaching and learning practices as well as to the roles assumed by the subjects involved in this process. The explicit episode shows a practice that establishes co-authorship, which prioritizes the collective construction of knowledge, and reveals that there are practices that value dialogue in the school context.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2021-03-06
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-05-19