Curriculum of English Language Teaching and use of digital technologies established in BNCC


  • Sílvio Ribeiro da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás-Regional Jataí
  • Cinthia Alencar Pacheco Universidade Federal de Goiás-Regional Jataí



Curriculum Common National Basis, English Language teaching, Digital technologies.


This article presents a documental analysis of Curriculum Common National Basis (BNCC), specifically in English Language field (LI), in Elementary School. It aims to relate the guidelines about English school curriculum to the use of digital technologies into the classroom or out of it. This document has been chosen because, nowadays, the Curriculum Common National Basis (CCNB) forms the last national guideline for Brazilian schools about contents and skills required in Elementary School. Schools have been guided to use the guidelines enrolled in Brazilian Curriculum and furthermore, the schools have to assure diversified contents, according to local reality. In this study, English language was chosen because text parameter from BNCC about English, or additional language has changed. Earlier documents authorized to schools the choice of second language to be taught, however BNCC establishes English as compulsory language. According BNCC, English language has been selected because its role as an international communication language, a lingua franca spoken by people across the whole world, using different cultural and linguistic repertoires. The paper discusses the importance of the presence of context in policy guidance that will be responsible to guide the curriculum of all schools from Brazil, recognizing that the  teaching of the English language is fundamental and it contributes to the students’ integral formation, an aspect  which is emphasized in BNCC.


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How to Cite

SILVA, S. R. da; PACHECO, C. A. Curriculum of English Language Teaching and use of digital technologies established in BNCC. Electronic Journal of Education, [S. l.], v. 14, p. e3046047, 2020. DOI: 10.14244/198271993046. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Demanda Contínua - Artigos
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2018-10-01
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2019-03-03
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2020-02-01