Teacher training in the state of Alagoas’ prison system: advances, limits and possibilities
Education in Prisons, State Plan of Education, Teacher training, State of Alagoas.Abstract
This study’s go analyzing constant devices in the State Plan of Education in Prisons (PEEP) of the state of Alagoas (Brazil) related to the prison units’ teacher training. There the acknowledgment of how important is to discuss the training aspects of the docents who act in the prison system, in order to make evident the advances, limits, and possibilities regarding training, as to their implications to exercise of teaching. The research has a qualitative character supported by the descriptive-analytic and interpretive perspective, with the approach of qualitative-quantitative complementarity. As methodological procedures, there were used bibliographic studies and the answering of a survey by the administrators linked to Alagoas’ prison units educational process. The analysis of the information gathered was made by documental analysis as well as it searched to interpret the event by the meaning that the participants attribute to what they say and do. The research’s results made evident the advance of the educational grounds that referenced the PEEP, namely: the respect regarding the students’ identities, experience, and knowledge, the problematization of the reality in which the educational process occurs, and the dialog as principle of education, important factors that may subsidize the prison units teachers’ training; one of the limits is the distancing between these fundamentals and the propositions to the training and acting of the teachers; and as possibilities a revision of the PEEP and the establishing of partnerships between the government instances and public universities on behalf of the training of teachers who act in the prison system.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2021-02-07
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-03-24