Educator expectations and announcements: dis(un)covering education for people in deprivation of liberty
Education, Deprivation of liberty, Training of educators.Abstract
The paper is linked to the social and philosophical conception that implies the development of research with political, social and epistemological options, consistent with the demands of the popular classes to whom the research carried out by the public university is most important. It results from the collaborative work of educator-researchers linked to a Research Center and educational practices for people in restriction and deprivation of liberty. The qualitative study uses as a methodological procedure the participation in formative meetings held in 2020 with educators from Brazilian states and has as its guiding question: what expectations/training needs do manifest the educators who develop educational actions in units of deprivation of liberty for young people and adults in the post-pandemic period? Data were collected through participatory observation in virtual meetings, organized by State Secretariats and Research Groups of Brazilian universities. The analysis of the data had as theoretical support the work of Paulo Freire, and three focuses were analyzed: educating for dialogue, educating for love, and educating for hope. The study reveals through the creative and successful pedagogical experiences that have been developed in Brazilian states, announcements of educators, willing to contribute to modify educational actions for the spaces of deprivation of liberty of young people and adults.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-08-14
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-03-24