Research on beginning teachers: an integrative review
Beginning teacher, Professional insertion, Professional development, Teacher training.Abstract
This paper presents an integrative literature review in which we tried to point out the trends of studies conducted on beginning teachers and to identify whether and how those studies have made recommendations, based on the results of the research, to promote the professional insertion of teachers at the beginning of their career. The mapping period ranged from 2000 to 2019 and the corpus of analysis was the papers presented during the Anped annual meetings, the dissertations and theses available in the Capes Theses and Dissertations catalog, in addition to the articles available on the SciELO and Educ@ websites. It is worthy to highlight in the findings of the review that, after 2014, there was an important increase in publications on the topic. In more recent years, interest emerged on studies with graduates of public programs of initiation to teaching in initial training, with emphasis on Pibid and on continuing education actions proposed by state and municipal departments. There has also been an increase in studies focusing on training actions to support and monitor teachers who enter the profession, highlighting contributions made by the use of training devices and collaborative groups. On the other hand, some gaps persist, and it is concluded that there is still much to be improved in research so that there will be effective contribution in the constitution of the field, since there are few studies that problematize their results and make deep analyses and interpretations, so that one can generate more comprehensive, and consistent knowledge that enables to indicate paths, actions, and practices that favor the teachers’ professional insertion.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-05-24
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2020-10-09