Educational Policies and Proesde: An experience of teacher training in the State of Santa Catarina
Curriculum, Teacher training, Educational policies.Abstract
The text proposes to report a teacher training experience with the Proesde/Educational Degree (Higher Education Program for the Regional Development of the State of Santa Catarina), linked to the Regional University of Blumenau - FURB. In 2018, this program sought to qualify undergraduate students to work in front of the BNCC (Common National Curricular Base), configured as a public policy for standardizing the national curriculum. Within the planned training program, a meeting had been provided that covered other flows of the hitherto instituted and discussed about BNCC, problematizing the curriculum through the post-critical epistemological bias, which interprets it as being a field of disputes for the meaning of what comes curriculum and how it should operate in the school institution. This perspective understands that political decisions are determined by discourses of truth that crystallize common and totalitarian norms that deserve to be questioned, giving rise to the antagonisms of what was sedimented as a result of a choice/act of power. Thus, the BNCC doubts its own legitimacy in the current social-political-economic context. The objective of this training meeting was to discuss, with the undergraduate students, through texts and videos, the contingencies and flows of the BNCC, defending the idea of a curriculum policy without foundation to be able, from there, to think about possibilities of other curricula, less hegemonic, normatized, unequal, excluding, assisted by the idea of minor education. The result of such a discussion crystallized in the activity of writing and rewriting a cloud of words throughout the formation, in which the Base went from a set of statements to a set of uncertainties and questions.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-08-25
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2020-09-09