Stricto sensu training of technical administrative staff in education: perception of qualified managers and staff
Qualification, Postgraduate studies, Technical-administrative staff.Abstract
This research aimed to analyze the development for the professional and personal life of the technical administrative staff (TAE's) of the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais (IFNMG), resulting from qualification processes in stricto senso postgraduate programs. The analysis was based on the perceptions of qualified managers and servers. It was used theoretical support based on knowledge management theories, competence management, and people's motivation, as well as the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, and quality. A qualitative and descriptive approach was developed in a case study. Bibliographic and documentary searches were carried out and questionnaires were applied to the participants of this study, which were analyzed using the content analysis methodology. This search made it possible to know the profile of qualified servants, identify the main difficulties encountered in the qualification process, which are related to the lack of time or the difficulty of reconciling work with study, especially when it is not possible to getaway. Consequently, for the life of the servers, several factors were presented, such as personal development; improvement in personal relationships, skills and attitudes; increased self-esteem and self-fulfillment; and the fact that the academic title brings with it not only financial importance but also status and personal and professional fulfillment. Finally, in the view of most servants, training has a great or total influence on their lives.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2022-01-04
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-05-17