Resources of a Teacher to Teach Mathematics in YAE - Field Classes
Documentary approach to didactics, Field education, Resources, YAE-Field.Abstract
The article brings an excerpt of doctoral research that aims to understand the documentation system of teachers who teach mathematics in classes in youth and adult field education (YAE-Field) and the relationship with the learning environments they propose. It is the expansion of an article published at the VIII International Seminar on Research in Mathematics Education (SIPEM) that identifies resources used by a teacher from YAE-Field to teach mathematics, classifying them into materials and non-materials and analyzing the relationships between them. The expansion consists of the presentation and analysis of the resources used by another teacher in resuming face-to-face teaching after remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research is anchored in the reflective investigation methodology (RIM) to carry out a semi-structured interview, ask the participants to produce a video recording to present the resources available at the school and which they used to teach mathematics, and after that, build a schematic representation of those resources. The analysis of the produced data reveals that, for the most part, the first teacher's resources were associated with everyday objects, while the second teacher's resources included more elements of information and communication and technologies (ICT), which may denote the influence of remote teaching. Both teachers showed concern about relating some resources to the realities of YAE- Field students, even if it is not a predominant aspect in the analyzed data.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-07-14
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-12-13