A look at the mobilization of mathematical knowledge specific to teaching at Pibid
Mathematics Education, Academic mathematics, School mathematics, Mathematics teacher education, Pibid.Abstract
Participation in Pibid and its significance for the initial mathematics teachers education has been extensively documented. However, there are still few studies that investigate the mathematical knowledge organized by Pibid. To advance this understanding, this article aims to reveal the specific mathematical knowledge for teaching organized within the scope of Pibid Mathematics at a Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, based on the memories and productions of two graduates of the program. This is a qualitative study in which data were generated from documents (reports and a Course Conclusion Paper) and a semi-structured interview conducted with graduates. The data were analyzed in the context of the notions of school mathematics and academic mathematics developed by Moreira and collaborators. The findings were organized into two categories: mathematical knowledge specific to teaching organized in Pibid's actions and interactions, and mathematical knowledge specific to teaching organized in a Final Paper of the Course. The results suggest that, in the majority of actions and interactions experienced by Pibid participants, there is a well-intentioned effort to adapt academic mathematics for the use in Basic Education (elementary school, junior high, and high school). However, there were rare indications of school mathematics being evident in actions related to the program, despite attention being paid to the demands of teaching practice. In this sense, it is concluded that Pibid could enhance its contributions by recognizing school mathematics as a distinct component of teacher training and by providing undergraduate students with opportunities to develop specific mathematical knowledge for teaching.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-07-20
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-12-13