Formative processes of teachers in the constitution of the Movimento em Rede da Feira de Matemática
Movimento em rede da feira de matemática, Teacher training, Narrative research.Abstract
This text is part of an ongoing study, which aims to investigate the conceptions of teacher training present in the gestation period of the Movimento em Rede da Feira de Matemática, in the state of Santa Catarina. It also seeks to understand the fertile field of reflections in Mathematics Education and Teacher Training in the 1980s in Brazil and in this state. Thus, this study is characterized as a research with a historical and narrative bias, and evidences the vanguard in some propositions and ideas about the conceptions of teacher training. In a reading synthesis of this first part of the story, the predominant perspective of teacher training is an attitude closer to the model prescribed by research and development, focusing on the elaboration, implementation, reflection and socialization of didactic materials aimed at teaching Mathematics in first grade. From the beginning the trainers were concerned with making sure that the teachers participate in all stages of the process. These participations were gradually expanding and the Santa Catarina Mathematics Fair contributed significantly in the last stage of this model regard to the diffusion and adoption of innovative ideas. As far as the tendencies for the teaching of Mathematics, the predominant one was the constructivist. The various formative movements carried out at the time contributed so that the teachers acquired the confidence and knowledge necessary to move towards a paradigm shift.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-07-20
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-12-13