Education, Innovation and Socioeconomic Development: repositioning the contribution of the Brazilian university facing current challenges




Education, Socioeconomic development, University, Innovation.


The article analyzes the relationships between socioeconomic development, work and education, taking the systemic approach to innovation as a reference. It understands that long-term socioeconomic development is associated with technological progress (innovation) and values ​​the role of educational institutions and interactive learning processes as support for the generation of knowledge in companies. For that, an exploratory study was carried out favoring a qualitative approach. The document analysis included documents prepared by the executive and legislative powers, before and after the implementation of the Innovation Law and the New Regulatory Framework for Science, Technology & Innovation, seeking to identify government guidelines and policies that directly affect the interaction between the elements under study. Internal documents from university collegiate bodies and respective support foundations, among others, were also analyzed. Thus, the methodology adopted allowed a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between development, work and education in the context of the systemic approach to innovation. It concludes by demonstrating the need to build a favorable environment for innovation within universities, breaking with the traditional hierarchical model strongly associated with control and traditional teaching, promoting disruptive changes in the face of the demand for new skills and competencies in the World of Work.


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Author Biographies

Maria Luiza Nogueira Rangel, Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG)

She holds a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Goiás (1997), a Master's degree in Education, area of ​​concentration Public Policy and Education Management from the University of Brasília (2010) and is a Doctoral Student in Education from the University of Brasília (2019-2022). Higher education teacher at (Campus - Luziânia) of the State University of Goiás ? UEG, and evaluator of the National Higher Education Assessment System (BASis). She worked at the Catholic University of Brasília-UCB. In public management, he served as advisor at the Financier of Studies and Projects - FINEP, head of cabinet and management at the Ministry of Sport (2014 World Cup), superintendence at the State Secretariat of Science and Technology of the State of Goiás and manages environmental education at the State Secretariat for the Environment of the State of Goiás. Research activities are focused on the following themes: Public Policies, Education, Institutional Assessment, Science, Technology & Innovation, Professional Education, Philosophy, gender relations and youth.

Remi Castioni, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Graduated (Bachelor) in Economic Sciences from the University of Caxias do Sul (1991) and PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas (2002). He held a postdoctoral degree at the Universitat de Barcelona, ​​at the Institut de Recerca en Educació (2017/18). He is currently a professor-researcher at the University of Brasília, Associate class, working at the Faculty of Education and a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Education, in the line of research in public policies and education management. He is also a member of the Graduate Program in Education-professional modality. He has experience in the area of ​​public policy and federalism. It works on the transition between education and work, with an emphasis on professional qualification, professional certification and secondary education, and also on the following topics: education, comparative professional education policies, industry 4.0, national employment system, regional development and national innovation system. . He was a member of the National Education Forum-FNE and the District Education Forum-FDE. He was director of the Brazilian Association of Labor Studies-ABET. He was a member of the National Committee for Professional and Technological Education Policies-CONPEP, of SETEC / MEC. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the PIS-PASEP Fund. He was director of the Federation of Teachers' Unions of Federal Institutions of Higher Education and Basic Technical and Technological Education and director for two terms of the Teachers' Association of the University of Brasilia-UnB. He was president of the Association of Brazilian Researchers and Students in Catalonia-APEC He is a member of the editorial board of the Revista Com Censo da SEEDF and of the editorial board of Editora CulturaTrix. He is a member of the board of the Brazilian Society of Comparative Education-SBEC.


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How to Cite

RANGEL, M. L. N. .; CASTIONI, R. Education, Innovation and Socioeconomic Development: repositioning the contribution of the Brazilian university facing current challenges. Electronic Journal of Education, [S. l.], v. 17, p. e6134047, 2023. DOI: 10.14244/198271996134. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Dossier Educational Policies and Post-Covid-19 Formative Perspectives
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2022-08-15
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-08-21
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-08-29