Self-assessment questionnaire as an assessment and learning tool for undergraduate students in natural sciences
Evaluation, Interdisciplinarity, Licenciatura, Science teaching.Abstract
Considering the complexity of the initial teacher training and the lack of tests and tests as instruments for evaluating this process, the objective was to analyze the potential of a self-assessment questionnaire. This instrument was developed and adapted, for assessing the learning of twenty undergraduate students in natural sciences, right after their experience of potentially interdisciplinary practices. The questionnaire, composed of six open questions, based on criteria pre-defined was applied to these undergraduate students, who were in the process of pedagogical residency in science, in schools in the interior of Bahia. The criteria that based the instrument's questions were: acquisition of knowledge and skills for teaching; collaboration with the team; contents; interdisciplinary approach; creativity and relationship with the student. The research has a qualitative nature and had as method the evaluative case study. We collected data after the accomplishment of didactic sequences possibly interdisciplinary by the graduates and were examined by the content analysis method. The results indicated that the aforementioned instrument enabled students to self-reflect on their pedagogical practices and provided the gauging of their learning in relation to: teaching knowledge and skills, content, interdisciplinary approach, creativity, team collaboration and relationship with students. It was considered that the analysis helped to refine the referred assessment tool, improving it for application with other groups of students in interdisciplinary training, including within the scope of programs such as Pedagogical Residence.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2021-01-19
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-11-30