Self-efficacy beliefs of undergraduate physics students in relation to inclusive education
Teacher Education, Physics Teachers, Inclusive Education.Abstract
For inclusion to really work, teachers to be prepared to receive students Target Public of Special Education (PAEE). Inclusive policies intensified since the 1990s, in other words, we already have more than 20 years of discussions about the need to train teachers to work with PAEE as predict the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. But, how is the teacher training occurring? Are undergraduates receiving training to enable them to properly include PAEE students in class? What do undergraduates think about their education? In the present work we analysis if the students of a Physics Degree course feel able to work with students PAEE. To make this analysis we use the studies developed by Bandura about Self-efficacy Beliefs. Seven students from a Physics undergraduate course participated in the research, who answered two data collection instruments: a Likert scale questionnaire and an open-ended questionnaire. Analyzing the collected data we concluded that the research participants do not feel able to work in inclusive classes and the training these graduates are receiving do not intended to prepare them to work with PAEE students.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2023-05-23
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2023-09-27