Guidance for proposing thematic dossiers

Electronic Journal of Education (REVEDUC-UFSCar)

Professors/researchers with a minimum doctorate, updated Lattes curriculum, and ORCID registration can propose a thematic dossier. It must contain at least eight articles, two by international authors. The guidelines to propose a dossier organization are the following:

1 – Title of the thematic dossier;

2 – Presentation of the proposal;

3 – Indication of articles, containing title, authors, institutional link, and summary;

4 – The Journal will open a call for other researchers who want to submit manuscripts for this theme so that it is composed of 15-18 articles, of which two must be from foreign researchers and at least 25% of the total articles in Portuguese have its English version also published;

5 – All texts, including those proposed during the proposal presentation, will undergo peer review;

6 - Only after the final editorial decision conducted jointly between the dossier coordinators and the Journal's editorial team the result will communicated to its author(s);

7 – In case of an article rejection to compose the dossier, REVEDUC is not responsible for the publication of that submissions;

8 – Within the proposal must be the appointment of a Coordinator who will assist the Journal in the designation of evaluators and approval of the articles, as well as providing the writing of the Presentation of the dossier and its version in English;

9 - Authors who have accepted articles will be responsible for grammatical review of the text (including summaries in foreign languages), either independently or by a professional with experience in the area, whose full name must appear in the note at the end of the text. In the case of submission for publication of a foreign language version of the accepted article, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the responsible translator. The respective costs are the responsibility of the authors.