Storytelling associated to ludic in teaching and learning English
Storytelling, Ludic, English language.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the contributions that a teaching practice based on a playful approach based on storytelling can provide for the learning of English language in the first year of Elementary School. Based on the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by the author Eric Carle (1996), the study including playful activities in two first grade elementary school classes, one which has English Language as a curricular component in a private school in Caxias do Sul, and the other in a public school in Porto Alegre within the framework of the Project: LIVE LIBRARY: support space for the teaching and learning process. It also aimed to identify students’ learning outcomes in both realities, comparing the possibilities of public and private contexts. Within the implementation of the teaching practice, we observed that, regardless of the available resources or the space in the curriculum, teaching a Foreign Language, in this case, English Language, can be performed effectively in the school context, whether public or private since, even without previous knowledge, the students achieved the previously determined objectives based on working with the proposed contents connected to storytelling in a playful way.
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##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2020-12-29
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2021-11-30