Mia Couto and young children’s education: Alterity, art and childhood


  • Maria Carmen Silveira Barbosa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Sandra Regina Simonis Richter UNISC




DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14244/198271991120

The essay presents the proposal of an interlocution between the course of our studies in the field of early childhood education and Mia Couto's work. We address the matter of alterity from themes such as space, time, childhoods, art and science. Mia Couto defines alterity as the magic of being us, being others, a conception that reaffirms the African thinking according to which each person is because we are everybody else. Here, "others" do not refer only to people, but also to the places they inhabit, the listening to their social processes, their traditions, in summary, the lives they live. Mia Couto's reflections lead us to part with instituted habits of thinking the education of childhood by favoring the resistance to the hegemonic way of conceiving and conducting the education of small children from one single way of promoting childhood experiences.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Narrative, Childhood, Art and science.


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Author Biographies

Maria Carmen Silveira Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, UFRGS

Sandra Regina Simonis Richter, UNISC

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Educação e do Programa de Pós-graduação da UNISC – Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, líder do grupo de pesquisa LinCE-UNISC e participante do grupo Estudos Poéticos da UNISC.



How to Cite

BARBOSA, M. C. S.; RICHTER, S. R. S. Mia Couto and young children’s education: Alterity, art and childhood. Electronic Journal of Education, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 519–536, 2015. DOI: 10.14244/198271991120. Disponível em: https://reveduc.ufscar.br/index.php/reveduc/article/view/1120. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2014-08-19
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2014-11-10
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2015-08-25